Wednesday, May 22, 2013

MB975SP-B FlexCage review - posted by

Back in the 1980s, there was this TV show called “That’s Incredible” where they would showcase people with extraordinary abilities including a then 5-year old Tiger Woods and a farmer in China who had two heads. What stayed with me the most however was a skit involving a Volkswagen Beetle and 20 clowns. It was not the logistical impossibility of the situation which disturbed me so much as the idea that 20 people would unanimously think it is a good idea to do pile on top of each other, cramped in a small space so they could be on TV.

Thankfully, hard drives have no such qualms either and could be stacked in a cramped space and would still function. Unfortunately, temperatures affect drives and crowding them together will hamper performance and shorten the drives lifespan. This is the kind of problem that storage solutions provider Icy Dock is used to tackling, especially with their FlexCage tray-less series HDD backplane modules, the latest of which is the MB975SP-B..........Read More

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